Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Matt and Lina Witte Family

What is going on with Matt, Lina, and Connor Witte?
Matt has been teaching at George Verity Middle School in Middletown since January and begins another school year August 20th. He teaches Physical education and Health. The summer has certainly gone by fast. Daddy has spent a lot of quality time with Connor and is working on installing wood laminate floors in two rooms.

We all went down to Florida for a week in early July to visit family. Connor loves the sand at the beach. He is 20 months old and is just the happiest toddler. He has quite an expanded vocabulary, imitates almost anything you do, and is even becoming interested in toilet training.

Connor will be having a little sister soon. Lina is due on September 14th with a little girl who will be named Hannah. Lina has been working at Procter and Gamble for almost a year now. Her pregnancy is progressing quite similar to Connor’s. Her and baby Hannah are healthy as can be. She will be taking the rest of the year off once Hannah arrives. [Holly: Hannah is here, as these photos show!]

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